When a girl child is born into a family, the father feels very special and starts treating her like a princess. He does everything for her. Her desires are everything for him. She will be pampered like a child even after crossing her teenage threshold.
But things fade when the girl reaches middle adolescence. This is where the father comes across many mental pressures, and he starts hearing things from society. In this phase, the father begins to ignore the princess and forgets the sacrifices he made for her from her childhood until today.
The pressure the father receives from society is transferred to his daughter in the form of, "Why are you coming late?", “Where are you going?” “When will you reach home?” “Share your friend's number.” “Could you share your current location?” “Who is that boy you are talking to?” This continues until the first misunderstanding arises between papa and daughter. The daughter endures the pain to some extent. One day, the daughter just shed these words: "Papa, give me a break." "I can't take things anymore!"
This misunderstanding grows slowly. And when the next phase reaches, where Papa starts forcing you to get married, he will share with you pictures of prospective groom and exaggerate the groom's positive aspects: a nice paid job, a settled lifestyle, and so on.
But the father actually forgets who his daughter is and what she likes or dislikes, and this pressure of getting married pushes the daughter to finally accept the proposal after all those emotional dramas and even blackmails at times.
Daughter's transformation into a woman and wife is another phase of her. She slowly makes herself fall in love with the stranger for the sake of her parents. In most cases, couples are not made for each other.
If the daughter comes up with any sort of complaint about the groom, her mother immediately says to compromise with him followed by these words, You can't find a better person than him. He is a gem. Live a good life with him. Try to have babies soon so that things settle between you too. See, even your papa was like that, but after you were born, things changed, and his attention moved towards you. I kind of got my space to live for me. So, understand, my beta.
After this advice, she somehow manages to endure all the pain and gets pregnant too. But things haven’t happened as her mother instructed. She begins to face other issues, like the fact that she didn’t give birth to a boy, or in some cases, she might not get pregnant because of her husband's infertile nature; in turn, she is blamed for the faults that lie within her husband. In other cases, husbands see women as just a machine to develop their generation. Holly shit.
After all this stupidity, the daughter finally got the guts to come out of this toxic life and decided to apply for divorce. There comes the relative part: who started calling her and advising her that this shouldn’t be done? Think twice. How will you lead a life with a kid and no husband? Or how will you live alone without the support of a man? Or though your parents are with you now, how long can they be with you? Or can you just endure things for the sake of family pride?
These dramas and conversations are never-ending, so she decides to come out of it, though no one is supporting her.
Thus, finally, she feels that inner peace. She got her freedom back. She loses the status of being treated as a queen by her so-called husband as the society pursues. Also paying the usurious cost of not being treated as a princess by her father after her decision. She decides to either build her own castle and live for herself with her little mushkin baby boy or girl or start building herself professionally. Now she is all set to create the future she has dreamed of so far.
Let these words boost all the women out there who all are fighting their struggles to end one day! cheer up girls! It will! All our soon will change into "finally" one day! Fighting 😊