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priyanka G


Updated: Aug 20, 2021

This article is all about explaining the term application modernization and its migration trends. In general, modernization is the radical conversion from traditional to modern society.

Application modernization refers to the process of restructuring the computer code without changing its external behavior (refactoring); adapting new ideas; and finding strong software programming which matches the current ideas. The basic goal of application modernization is to increase the business value using existing applications.


By comparing both the business and society needs, the strategy approaches five R’s as follows:

RETIRE refers to the method of removing a system which no longer provides any value to the business. It involves search to check duplicate of system which performs same, or similar functions. It also moves certain system into retirement category based on following criteria:

  • No longer matches the business needs and services.

  • Discontinued products.

  • Change in ownership and requirements.

By retiring these systems help in reducing cost; resource; and system overhead further increases the business revenue.

REPLACE refers to the method of exchanging the current system with third party; or off-the-shelf software (immediate resource). As there is frequent update in the technology it is better to use the systems, and components which is already in practice. Adapting the existing legacy systems from the third-party which suits the current business requirements.

This approach uses SaaS (Software as a Service) offerings because it provides:

  • Initial low cost.

  • Faster implementation and adoption.

By replacing these systems help in reducing level of customization and specialization. It also offers IT team with outsourced support and maintenance.

RATIONALIZE refers to the method of retaining the existing system with minimal changes to reach the current requirements. By doing, so the current system can be used for short term. But the system requires rationalization often to reach the expectations due to the lack of resources; financial lag; and complete transformation of IT team.

Instead adapt the method of prioritizing regular check for business application, and its update. Work on the changes in regular interval to reach the expectations.

RE-ARCHITECT refers to the method of modifying existing technologies, and an additional change in the system. It is carried out to attain the following features:

  • Increase scalability.

  • Better Compliance (includes rules; regulations; policies; standards; laws; requirements; and transparency).

The best approach used in architectural pattern is Martin Fowler’s stranger pattern (it is the stranger application pattern helps in handling the refractory codes in large web application platform).

RE-PLATFORM shows the system with complete transformation as per new technology updates. This method is directly tied with business revenue and growth of the organization. It involves large data migration; steep approach; and rollback plan. The best example for re-platform is eCommerce retailer changing the underlying platform, or an industry moving entire internal applications to cloud-based environment.



It is the method of migrating an application from current state to a new home. In general, the application involve the process of change from current hardware platform to new application and data stack.

The migration trends include the following:

  • Transformation from an on-premises (local software) server to a cloud server.

  • From one cloud (vendor server) environment to another cloud server.


The three best strategy followed in cloud migration are:

Lift and Shift

  • It is the method of moving an application, or an operation from local server to cloud server. It is highly preferable because it is quick and easy to migrate. It help to save cost and doesn’t require redesign in structure.

  • Tools used are VM import/export (helps in importing virtual machine images from existing environment and exporting it further) and Racemi (act as data center software vendor works in cloud provisioning and migration).


  • This migration involves complete transformation as per new technology updates.

  • This method is carried out when the organization looking out to gain more benefits from the cloud instead of migrating to the cloud.

  • MS 2012 can support 32-bit applications even though operating system is 64 bit.


  • This migration is carried out when the application configuration and codes need major changes.

  • This process results in less cost and less operational requirements. It involves complete or partial restructuring of codes and application.

Process involved in migration process are:

  • Planning – it involves the method of defining the scope; process development; and start up steps. Helps in setting up off-shore environment and create demo functions based on client requirements.

  • Identifying (tools) – it involves the method of identifying reusable components and module levels. It also helps to generate flow charts (step-wise) and default settings to be followed.

  • Analysis and Design – involves in preparing technical and functional document. It generate validation rules; test case document; and further create user guidelines based on target audience.

  • Testing – After/before migration, the application undergoes testing and issues are collected by the tester further reaches the developer to debug and overcome the issues. It also involves integration testing (individual units are combined and undergoes group testing) and regression testing (kind of retesting method).

  • Development – involves the method of rechecking the codes and implementing all the functionalities gathered in planning/analysis stage.

  • Delivery – helps in delivering required source to UAT (user acceptance testing) and release the method to the client with error free.


This article will create a basic idea and easy understanding about application modernization & migration trends. It also be useful for beginners to brush-up about modernization in short span of time.

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